Parish Ministries
Coffee Hour Hosts
Coffee Hour is an integral part of the Sunday service experience. After the service, we gather together to greet one another, welcome visitors, and catch up on weekly goings-on. Our congregation is home to many gifted chefs and bakers who share their talents with everyone by volunteering to host Coffee Hour.
Our ministry of hospitality is one of the highlights of the St James community. Whether it’s coffee hour after church on Sunday, a funeral, or a special event like a baby shower, the hospitality team at St James provides a fantastic spread of treats and beverages.
Pastoral Care
Our priest and lay pastoral ministers regularly make visits to homebound parishioners, visit the sick and those in hospice care, and meet with those experiencing crises. If you are experiencing grief, loneliness, or hardship, you don’t have to do so alone. Let us journey with you.
Building & Grounds
St James is blessed to be stewards of a worship building that is over 150 years old. We have been equally blessed by recent capital campaigns to have an up-do-date parish hall with ample space for community gatherings. Our caretakers keep up with the tasks of maintaining this building, repairing damages, mowing the lawn, and keeping the property clear of debris.
Christian Formation
No matter what age, Christian formation is an important part of growing in one’s faith. Studying scripture, learning about theology and the traditions of our faith are all integral to our mission to grow as Christians. For opportunities to join or lead an opportunity for formation, contact our pastor.
Prayer Warriors
If you have a prayer request, you can send it to our main office and it will be added to our weekly prayers on Sunday. In addition to this, we have a team of parishioners who maintain a prayer chain and will pray for your intention throughout the week. “Pray for one another… the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16)